
Divorce Announcement Etiquette

How to Explain Divorce

DivorceOne of the most difficult aspects of divorce is having to share the news over and over again to people in your life. It is understandable your friends, family, and loved ones will be surprised and want to know details about this incredibly private matter. Your wedding was likely a celebration in which many people participated, which is why you may feel embarrassed or saddened to tell those people your marriage has now come to an end.

What is most important to consider is the fact that how you tell people about your divorce will greatly influence the way they react to it. This means if you are positive and brief about the details, they will be less likely to push for the private details. If you sound assured and strong in your choices, you will get less unwarranted advice. If you sound negative and proceed to badmouth your ex, you will have people choosing sides and using this news as a reason to gossip.

The best way to tell the people in your life depends on the position they hold. Friends, family, and loved ones can be told all at once, while your coworkers need not be told unless the situation calls for it. If you and your ex are amicable enough, you can perhaps tell the people in your lives together. This will encourage people to stay out of it, and will also ensure the same message is being spread amongst everyone as opposed to two different stories circulating.

Contact Our Palm Harbor Attorney Today

At K. Dean Kantaras, P.A., our legal team is comprised of Palm Harbor lawyers with the experience and skill you have been looking for. We will provide you with the necessary resources and guidance you will find invaluable in your time of need. You can rest assured you are in more than capable hands when you enlist our services.

To schedule an initial consultation with a representative of our team, contact us at your earliest convenience.

K. Dean Kantaras

Blog Author: Attorney K. Dean Kantaras

K. Dean Kantaras Juris Doctor degree from Oklahoma City University School of Law. He is Board Certified in Marital and Family Law.

Visit his bio to learn more about his accolades and accomplishments.

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