
Modifying Alimony Payments Based on Changes in Circumstances

Alimony is money paid from one former spouse to the other following a divorce, typically when the receiving spouse will face financial hardships after the divorce is complete. Some believe that spousal support is necessary when one spouse has provided emotional or familial support, to the detriment of his or her career. Others argue that permanent alimony should be eliminated, and in fact some states have begun to change these laws.

Despite the strong opinions on and recent changes to alimony laws, it still remains a legal option for couples divorcing in Florida. In fact, the state allows for a number of different alimony options from the very temporary to permanent payments. Although these options address a wide range of different circumstances, it is important to remember that no matter what alimony is ordered, it can always be changed.

A supporting spouse may seek a reduction in alimony payments if he or she believes that the payments are no longer necessary. Often, this is due to a change of economic circumstances of the supported spouse, such as a new job or promotion. The supporting spouse would need to initiate the proceedings and prove that the change in circumstances was substantial enough to warrant a modification or elimination of spousal support.

Alternatively, a supported former spouse might seek an increase in alimony payments if he or she believes that an increased amount is necessary. The supported spouse would need to prove a need for an increase, as well as show that the supporting spouse is able to make these payments.

Alimony arrangements are complex and can be written to account for a wide variety of issues. If you would like to seek a modification of your spousal support agreement, meet with a skilled Florida divorce attorney at the Law Office of K. Dean Kantaras.

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