
Navigating Property Rights for Cohabitating Partners


When a relationship between cohabitating partners ends, it can be challenging to navigate who is entitled to what. Without the legal protections offered to married couples, cohabitating couples are left to rely on a confusing mix of property and contract law. In this guide, we will discuss the basics of navigating property rights for cohabitating partners in Florida.

What are Property Rights?

Property rights refer to a person's legal right to control and use their possessions, including assets such as real estate, personal belongings, and bank accounts. These rights also extend to any debts or liabilities associated with those possessions. Property rights are an essential aspect of our legal system, as they allow individuals to have autonomy over their belongings and can provide financial stability in the event of a dispute or separation.

Property rights for cohabitating couples can become particularly complicated if there is no formal agreement or the couple has shared assets, such as a home or joint bank accounts.

The Legal Status of Cohabitating Partners

Cohabitating partners do not have the same legal status as married couples. Without a marriage certificate, cohabitating partners are not legally recognized as spouses. This means they do not have automatic rights to each other's property or assets in the event of a separation. However, this does not mean that they have no rights at all.

For example, when married couples divorce, their assets and debts are split equitably. This means that even if one spouse purchased a car or home in their sole name, the property is considered "marital property" and therefore subject to division as long as it was purchased during the marriage.

For unmarried couples, such rights do not exist. If one spouse purchased an asset in their own name during the relationship, that asset will likely still belong to them after the relationship ends.

Understanding Joint Property Ownership

In some cases, cohabitating partners may purchase property together as joint owners. In these situations, both partners have equal rights to the property and are considered equally responsible for any associated debts or liabilities. This includes mortgages, taxes, and maintenance costs.

It is essential to have a clear agreement regarding ownership and responsibilities when purchasing property as joint owners. This can help avoid disputes and confusion in the event of a separation.

How to Protect Your Property Rights When Cohabiting

To safeguard your interests when cohabiting, it's crucial to establish clear legal agreements early on.

These legal agreements could include:

  • A cohabitation agreement can cover a wide range of issues, including property, savings, debts, and even pet ownership. This flexible document can be tailored to fit your particular circumstances.
  • A property ownership agreement can also be beneficial, especially if you jointly own a home. This agreement can detail how the property was financed, who contributed what, and how the proceeds would be divided upon sale.
  • Another useful document is a will, which can ensure that your partner inherits your assets if you pass away. Without a will, your assets will be distributed according to state law, which may not include non-married partners.

The Importance of Legal Counsel

It's highly recommended to seek legal counsel when drafting these agreements. At K. Dean Kantaras, P.A., we have extensive experience helping clients navigate property rights for cohabitating partners. We can provide expert guidance to ensure your interests are protected and help to avoid potential disputes in the future.

While cohabitating may not offer the same legal protections as marriage, it's still crucial to understand your rights and options when it comes to property. By taking proactive steps and seeking legal advice, you can safeguard your possessions and ensure a smoother transition in the event of a separation.

Don't leave your property rights to chance. If you're cohabiting and want to protect your possessions and interests, it's time to take action. Reach out to our legal team online or call us at (727) 939-6113 for a consultation. 

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