
Mistakes to Avoid in High Asset Divorce

A high asset divorce is one in which there are significant properties or assets between the couple in question. These assets include, but are not limited to, real estate, boats, cars, expensive jewelry, successful businesses, art collections, etc. With so much on the line, high asset divorces are often a far more challenging process than they are for those who do not have as many important or expensive assets between the two of them.

There are many financial mistakes people make during divorce, though the stakes are much higher in a high asset divorce. Some of the most devastating mistakes to avoid in a high asset divorce include hiding your assets or failing to check for your ex’s hidden assets. The courts need to have full disclosure when it comes to what you and your spouse have, and hiding these assets is illegal.

Another important mistake to avoid is settling too soon. Because divorce can become so contentious, it is common for people to agree to even the most unfair or ludicrous terms in an effort to speed up the process. While it is important your divorce does not drag along for too long, it is also a major mistake to settle for less than you deserve simply to get your ex off your back. However, the good news is, these mistakes can very easily be circumvented with the help of a Palm Harbor attorney you can trust, such as ours at K. Dean Kantaras, P.A.

Contact Our Palm Harbor Attorney Today

K. Dean Kantaras, P.A. is a trusted family law firm with some of the most dedicated and results-driven Palm Harbor lawyers you will meet. We proudly offer top-rated legal counsel, care, and representation to those who need it most. No matter the complexities or challenges of your particular situation, our firm has the means and resources necessary to resolve your case as efficiently and effectively as possible.

If you would like to speak to a member of our firm, you may do so by calling (727) 939-6113 today.

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