
Choosing the Right Kind of Divorce in Florida

In Florida, the law allows for two different types of divorces. These include a “simplified dissolution of marriage” and a “regular dissolution of marriage.” Just as these sound, one is especially simple. The other is the type that many people are familiar with as a “regular” divorce. The choice that a divorcing couple makes regarding the process that they choose depends on their own personal situation.

A simplified divorce is for couples that want to make things are simple as possible. This may be something every divorcing couple wants, but only some qualify. In order to qualify for a simplified divorce, a couple must have no minor children and must have completed a “Financial Affidavit” as well as a “Property Settlement Agreement.” If the couple has children or cannot agree on how to divide their estate, they must proceed with a regular divorce.

A regular divorce does not necessarily need to be extremely complicated, but it is necessary if there are more complicated matters to resolve, such as custody, child support, asset division or alimony. In those cases, the matter may take longer and the parties will need to appear in court in order to finalize the divorce. Depending on the extent to which the couple disagrees on issues relating to the divorce, this type of divorce can be a complex and time-consuming matter.

If you are considering a divorce in Florida and would like legal assistance throughout the process, get in touch with the dedicated divorce attorneys at the Law Office of K. Dean Kantaras.

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