
Immigration Takes Center Stage in Presidential Race

With nearly two-dozen viable candidates for president seeking to distinguish themselves among voters, immigration has become even more of a hot-button issue over the past several months. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, in contrast to most other Republicans in the race, has criticized many of his fellow candidates for their stances on immigration, while putting forth his own pathway to legal status for individuals currently living in the United States without status.

In his first Spanish-speaking interview with Telemundo, Bush outlined his idea allowing the country’s more than 11 million undocumented individuals achieve legal status, but not necessarily full U.S. citizenship.

Searching for a workable solution

Jeb Bush’s argument is that national policies should make it easier for immigrants to enter the United States legally, rather than forcing people to resort to illegally crossing the border. He suggested that people should be able to receive a work visa, pay taxes (along with a small fine) and start to learn English. Bush did not assert that these individuals should receive public benefits, but says he believes that undocumented workers should be allowed to ultimately obtain legal status in some way. He also said he would make immigration reform a top priority should he be elected president.

Bush’s approach is a far cry from many of his fellow Republican candidates, especially billionaire Donald Trump, who has made numerous disparaging comments about undocumented immigrants in recent weeks. Bush’s stance has been much more moderate and appears to fall more in line with the majority of public opinion among U.S. voters.

If you or your family is dealing with tough immigration issues, work with a dedicated attorney at the Law Office of K. Dean Kantaras today.

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