
Talking to Your Children About Divorce

Divorce brings emotional challenges for even the most mature adults. For the children unavoidably caught in the middle, it can be tremendously difficult. Parents frequently struggle with presenting the realities of divorce to children of any age. Being open and honest with children about divorce is the healthiest way to confront the tough situation.

Psychologists continue to study the effects of divorce on children, but many agree that the experience canstay vivid in children’s minds throughout their entire lives. Moreover, depending on the children’s ages, they may play a significant role in determining custody and have to live with the outcome for the remainder of childhood. Therefore, as a parent going through divorce, it is important to remember several things:

  • Never make your child feel responsible for the divorce.
  • Avoid criticizing the other parent in front of the child.
  • Communicate with the other parent directly and do not use the child as an intermediary.
  • Continue to fulfill your parental roles. Remember you are a parent first.
  • Remember to express that even though you are separating, both parents still love the children and want to be part of their lives.

In divorces, especially those involving children, it is important not to think in terms of “winning” and “losing.” A willingness to be reasonable can go a long way, while letting your emotions get the better of you almost certainly makes things worse. Working with an experienced Largo divorce attorney can lessen the emotional burden by helping you approach divorce in a practical manner with an eye toward the future for you and your children.

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