
How to Choose an Attorney for Your Divorce


Choosing a lawyer for your case can feel like a big commitment - because it is. The outcome of your divorce can impact your life for years or even decades, so finding the right attorney for your case is vital. Today, we're giving you some tips to help you find the right legal representation for you.

At K. Dean Kantaras, P.A., we have the tools to help you find the best path forward in your divorce. To schedule a consultation with our team, contact us online or via phone at (727) 939-6113.

Ask Prospective Attorneys for Consultations & Interviews

Most attorneys offer free or reduced-fee consultations for a reason. These meetings are an opportunity for you to understand how an attorney would handle your case if given the opportunity. These meetings are invaluable if you want to find the perfect lawyer for your case.

Before you go into a consultation, think about the details of your case. Do you want to handle it amicably and attempt to use an out-of-court solution like mediation to resolve your issues, or battle it out in court using litigation? What kind of results do you want to achieve? Once you know what you want out of your divorce, ask your attorney how confident they are in their ability to achieve those results for you.

Find an Attorney You Actually Like

If possible, you should try and find an attorney and law office that you genuinely enjoy interacting with on a personal level. Being able to communicate honestly with your lawyer and get a compassionate response is important.

The more comfortable you feel with an attorney, the easier it will be to divulge important information to them – in turn, making it easier for your attorney to develop the perfect case strategy for your needs. Professionally, you'll work better as a team in and out of court if you enjoy one another's company.

Ask Your Lawyer How Experienced They Are with Cases like Yours

Having legal counsel you can trust is vital. Try and gauge how much experience a prospective lawyer has handling cases like yours before deciding to hire them. If they're relatively inexperienced, that doesn't mean they can't still get you great results, but try and gauge how confident they seem in their capability to handle the specifics of your case.

You can try and understand an attorney’s experience by asking them to refer back to previous similar cases they’ve handled throughout their career. If you’re researching online, you can also check the attorney’s blog (if they have one) and see if there are any articles discussing cases you feel are similar to your own.

Find Other Reviews

Today, online reviews abound. While it's important to take the information you find online with a grain of salt, it can be a useful tool to help you research attorneys and find one that matches your needs.

Additionally, social media groups dedicated to people going through divorces are not uncommon. If you can find such a community that’s hosted in your local area on a platform such as Facebook or Reddit, you can ask other locals what attorneys they would recommend. This can also be a great way to narrow down your choices if multiple lawyers at the same firm appeal to your needs.

At K. Dean Kantaras, P.A., we'll work with you to find the best path forward in your divorce. To schedule a consultation with our team, contact us online or via phone at (727) 939-6113.

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