
Steps to Take After Receiving Your Divorce Decree

Once you’ve received your divorce decree, there are still a few steps you need to take before you can truly put your divorce behind you.

First, you’ll want to actually read the divorce decree several times, and as thoroughly as possible. It’s important for you to have a complete understanding of everything it contains. Mark down all of the obligations listed for both you and your former partner. Additionally, you should never assume the decree is completely free of mistakes. If you notice any errors, immediately inform your divorce attorney, who can take care of getting any issues addressed.

Next, you will want to complete all of your post-divorce obligations. This could include removing your former spouse’s name from important documents and refinancing your mortgage. Make sure you complete all tasks as promptly as possible to avoid violating your divorce agreement. Have your former spouse’s obligations on your calendar, as well, so you can get in touch with him/her or your lawyer immediately if a deadline gets missed.

Updating key documents and accounts

You will also need to remove your ex-spouse’s name and updating your contact information on several documents and/or accounts. Documents to focus on include any estate planning papers you have, emergency contact information, checking and savings accounts, credit cards, loans, retirement accounts, insurance policies and tax withholdings.

Finally, and most importantly, take some time off for yourself to be with your children (if applicable) and your family. This period of recharging is incredibly important after such a lengthy and stressful period in your life. Before you can successfully move forward, you need to feel refreshed.

For further guidance on what you should do after your divorce, meet with the experienced St. Petersburg family law attorneys at the Law Office of K. Dean Kantaras today.

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